Unique IDHiddenWorkshop HiddenProg HiddenObjectives HiddenObjective 1 HiddenObjective 2 HiddenObjective 3 HiddenObjective HiddenObjective 5 By providing this feedback, you are agreeing to us holding and processing your data inline with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018.(Required) Please tick here to confirm your consent.Date of workshop(Required) DD slash MM slash YYYY Please enter your email address(Required)This should be the email address you use for Aptem. Your email address is not shared with your workshop facilitator or PDE. It is only used by Corndel for analysis purposes and will not be used to identify you or your individual responses. Enter Email Confirm Email HiddenFacilitator (Apprenticeships)Who was the main facilitator of this workshop?(Required)– Fill Out Other Fields –Untitled Tick here to add a second facilitator Who was the second facilitator of this workshop?(Required)– Fill Out Other Fields –Untitled Tick here to add a third facilitator Who was the third facilitator of this workshop?(Required)– Fill Out Other Fields –Facilitators (S4B)Who facilitated this workshop?First ChoiceSecond ChoiceThird ChoicePlease provide the title of your bespoke workshop with your allocated Tutor(Required) HiddenGeneric QuestionsTo what extent do you agree with the following statements?(Required)Strongly agreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly disagreeAgenda and objectives for the workshop were clearly stated and achievedThe environment throughout the session was conducive to learningThe presenters were appropriately knowledgeable for the subject matter of the workshopThe presenters made the workshop engagingPlease select 3 words or phrases that best describe the workshop.(Required) Motivating Confusing Interactive Reassuring Dry Professional Clear Fun Informative Encouraging Pitched below my level of understanding Pitched above my level of understanding Boring Unclear Useful Not useful Was the pace of the workshop..(Required) Too slow About right Too fast HiddenWorkshop ObjectivesTo what extent did the workshop increase/consolidate your knowledge and understanding of the following?SignificantlySomewhatNot at allTo what extent did the workshop increase/consolidate your knowledge and understanding of the following?SignificantlySomewhatNot at allTo what extent did the workshop increase/consolidate your knowledge and understanding of the following?SignificantlySomewhatNot at allTo what extent did the workshop increase/consolidate your knowledge and understanding of the following?SignificantlySomewhatNot at allTo what extent did the workshop increase/consolidate your knowledge and understanding of the following?SignificantlySomewhatNot at allHiddenFinal questionsWhat impact do you think this workshop will have on you in your role?(Required)On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest, how would you rate your experience on this workshop overall?(Required) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Looking at your answer to the previous question, what could have made your answer a 10?(Required)Finally, please share any other feedback on this workshop that hasn't been captured through the previous questions using the box below(Required)